Oregon State Treasury Resiliency Building
This LEED Silver-equivalent 35,000 SF two-story building is an engineering marvel of resiliency and sustainability. It’s the only U.S. Resiliency Council (USRC) rated structure in Oregon, and the first base-isolated structure in the country to earn a platinum rating. The site is equipped with a myriad of robust features all positioned above the 100-year floodplain. These include a seismic base isolation system, several energy storage systems, an emergency backup well and an onsite wastewater storage tank. It also has extensive nonstructural engineering components, such as bracing/anchorage of MEP systems and other seismically certified installations. Additionally, the facility includes vandal-resistant glass for enhanced safety and security in the case of civil distress. The Treasury is designed to work in an “off-the-grid” fashion to protect occupants, provide a 24/7 safe space and ensure the continuity of crucial government services even after a natural disaster, such as a 9.0+ earthquake.
Safeguarding this facility was a top priority in improving Oregon’s disaster preparedness and actualizing its seismic resilience plan.
Location: Salem, OR
SQ FT: 35,000
Project Type: Civic/Government
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